Thursday, March 24, 2011

In my project I used all my own pictures in this presentation. In my picture I used a lot of photos of my swim team and I because I love to swim. It is practically my life. I also used food around my house. I put these into my presentation because I love food. Then I added money because I love to go to the mall and shop whenever I get the chance, and I also added pictures of my pets, family, and friends because they are a major part of my life. In this project I learned how to make a movie in iPhoto. Before this project I thought you could only make movies in iMovie. The skills I used were the retouch button and I also used the cropping button. At the hospital before they built the new building they had to show pictures of what the building was going to look like, and how each floor of it was going to be designed, so this is a way to used this technique in present day jobs. Personally I like doing projects that require you to become more involved rather than you relying on the internet. The only thing that isn't mine was the music that was preloaded into the computer, but this is for educational purposes.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charity Letter & Mail Merge

I choose AMGEN as my charity. I choose this company because they gave money to the Japanese people who have experienced great forces of nature. In my first paragraph I grabbed the attention of the audience by saying that the Japanese have suffered and they need help. In this project I learned how to make a contact list in which would merge into the letter. I used different kinds of font to make a signature for my name. I also learned how to use the mail merge process because before this I had no idea what this thing was. The easy part of the project was writing the letter. The hardest part was the merging of the two documents. I realized the night after I had done this project my mom said she was proud of me because she said that she did this project on a daily basis. I did learn that you people use this project at working jobs across America.

Friday, March 18, 2011

M&M Reflection

A template is a design, style or pattern in which a page is designed. In order to make this project I used the autosum button on the tool bar. I also use the toolbox. The toolbox helped me size and shape my font into perfection. I also used the "Charts" button to help make the pie chart. I also learned how to make a picture become transparent so that you may see the other picture behind it. In this project I learned how to use the autosum button. Before that I had no idea what that button was for and now I know why it is there. I also learned how to make a pie chart on the Mac. In my project I added the characters to the project because they are a very important part of the of the company. I also added the collection of M&M to the project to not make it so boring to look at. You might need an excel spreadsheet to show how much your company has gained or loss in profit. It also can be used in the hospital to show the progress on a patient.

Monday, March 14, 2011

First Blog Posting

In this class I hope to achieve a better understanding of what my computer can and cannot do. I want to learn this so I don't get frustrated with my computer and yell at it. For the grading portion I would probably want you is through email and NetClassroom.
I chose this picture because I swim and I love water.