Friday, March 18, 2011

M&M Reflection

A template is a design, style or pattern in which a page is designed. In order to make this project I used the autosum button on the tool bar. I also use the toolbox. The toolbox helped me size and shape my font into perfection. I also used the "Charts" button to help make the pie chart. I also learned how to make a picture become transparent so that you may see the other picture behind it. In this project I learned how to use the autosum button. Before that I had no idea what that button was for and now I know why it is there. I also learned how to make a pie chart on the Mac. In my project I added the characters to the project because they are a very important part of the of the company. I also added the collection of M&M to the project to not make it so boring to look at. You might need an excel spreadsheet to show how much your company has gained or loss in profit. It also can be used in the hospital to show the progress on a patient.

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